How do you check indoor air quality?

Image Source:- Testo India

It is important to improve the ventilation in your home and regularly clean and maintain your heating and cooling systems to help improve indoor air quality. You can also use air purifiers and air filters to remove pollutants from the air.

How do you check indoor air quality?

There are several ways to check indoor air quality, including the following:

Use your senses to get an idea of the air quality in your home. For example, if you smell mild or see visible mild growth, this may indicate poor air quality. Similarly, if you feel stuffy or experience irritation when you are indoors, this may be a sign of poor air quality.

You can use a hygrometer to monitor indoor air quality, which is one of the best testode from Testo known for its highly accurate measuring instruments.

Use an air quality monitor that you can use to measure the levels of various pollutants in your indoor air. These devices are typically portable and can measure pollutants such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and VOCs.

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